India’s Tata Nano a Taxi in Sri Lanka


India’s Tata Nano a Taxi in Sri Lanka

Tata Nano in Sri Lanka
Colombo: Tata Nano, billed as the world's cheapest car, entered Sri Lanka's taxi market on Thursday, billed as a more comfortable and safer alternative to rickety three-wheel auto rickshaws.

A local company said it was launching a service with 45 cabs with plans to increase the fleet to 200 within six months. Sri Lanka became the car's first foreign market late last month.

The service is pitched at a lower price than air-conditioned cabs and as a better alternative to ubiquitous three-wheel taxis.

The Nano was launched in Sri Lanka two weeks ago, but it costs 925,000 rupees (USD 8,500), compared to about USD 3,000 for a basic model in India.

The Tata Nano generated world-wide interest when it was launched in 2008, and the company said that plans for further international sales were now in place.


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