Prime Minister asks Ramdev not to go on hunger strike


Prime Minister asks Ramdev not to go on hunger strike
New Delhi, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today wrote to Ramdev asking him not to go ahead with his hunger strike from June 4, promising to find with him "pragmatic" solution to tackle the scourge of corruption.

Prime Minister asks Ramdev not to go on hunger strike
In Madhya Pradesh where he is conducting a yoga camp, Ramdev made it clear that he was not calling off his agitation plan till all the demands were met.

"This is not a personal issue. We all agree with Ramdev that corruption is a big problem and that we are committed to tackle it with all the resources at our disposal," Singh told reporters on the sidelines of a function at Rashtrapati Bhavan.

"My hunger strike will go ahead. There is no question of calling off the protest plan till my demands are met and till talks reach a satisfactory conclusion," he said.

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